Strassen Algorithm

Matrix Algorithms: Exploring the Strassen Algorithm


Matrix algorithms play a crucial role in various fields of computer science, such as machine learning, image processing, and scientific computing. One of the most efficient algorithms for matrix multiplication is the Strassen Algorithm. In this tutorial, we will dive deep into the Strassen Algorithm, understanding its concept and implementation.

Understanding Matrix Multiplication

Before we delve into the Strassen Algorithm, let's quickly recap matrix multiplication. Given two matrices, A and B, the resulting matrix C is obtained by multiplying the corresponding elements of A and B and summing them up. The dimensions of the resulting matrix C are determined by the number of rows in A and the number of columns in B.

The Strassen Algorithm

The Strassen Algorithm is a divide-and-conquer algorithm that reduces the number of multiplications required for matrix multiplication. Instead of using the traditional method that requires eight multiplications for each element of the resulting matrix, the Strassen Algorithm only requires seven multiplications.

The algorithm achieves this by recursively dividing the matrices into smaller submatrices until reaching a base case, where the submatrices are small enough to be multiplied using the traditional method. The resulting submatrices are then combined to obtain the final matrix.

Implementation of the Strassen Algorithm

To implement the Strassen Algorithm, we can follow these steps:

  1. Divide the input matrices A and B into four equal-sized submatrices.
  2. Calculate seven products of these submatrices using recursive calls to the Strassen Algorithm.
  3. Combine the resulting submatrices to obtain the final matrix C.

Let's take a look at the code snippet below to see how the Strassen Algorithm can be implemented in Python:

def strassen_algorithm(A, B):
    n = len(A)
    # Base case
    if n == 1:
        return [[A[0][0] * B[0][0]]]
    # Divide the matrices into submatrices
    mid = n // 2
    A11 = [row[:mid] for row in A[:mid]]
    A12 = [row[mid:] for row in A[:mid]]
    A21 = [row[:mid] for row in A[mid:]]
    A22 = [row[mid:] for row in A[mid:]]
    B11 = [row[:mid] for row in B[:mid]]
    B12 = [row[mid:] for row in B[:mid]]
    B21 = [row[:mid] for row in B[mid:]]
    B22 = [row[mid:] for row in B[mid:]]
    # Calculate the seven products using recursive calls
    P1 = strassen_algorithm(A11, subtract_matrices(B12, B22))
    P2 = strassen_algorithm(add_matrices(A11, A12), B22)
    P3 = strassen_algorithm(add_matrices(A21, A22), B11)
    P4 = strassen_algorithm(A22, subtract_matrices(B21, B11))
    P5 = strassen_algorithm(add_matrices(A11, A22), add_matrices(B11, B22))
    P6 = strassen_algorithm(subtract_matrices(A12, A22), add_matrices(B21, B22))
    P7 = strassen_algorithm(subtract_matrices(A11, A21), add_matrices(B11, B12))
    # Combine the resulting submatrices
    C11 = subtract_matrices(add_matrices(add_matrices(P5, P4), P6), P2)
    C12 = add_matrices(P1, P2)
    C21 = add_matrices(P3, P4)
    C22 = subtract_matrices(subtract_matrices(add_matrices(P5, P1), P3), P7)
    return combine_matrices(C11, C12, C21, C22)

Example Usage

Let's consider the following matrices A and B:

A = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
B = [[5, 6], [7, 8]]

Using the Strassen Algorithm, we can calculate the product of A and B as follows:

C = strassen_algorithm(A, B)

The output will be:

[[19, 22], [43, 50]]


The Strassen Algorithm is a powerful technique for matrix multiplication, reducing the number of multiplications required and improving efficiency. By understanding its concept and implementation, programmers can leverage this algorithm to optimize their matrix operations.

In this tutorial, we explored the Strassen Algorithm, its implementation in Python, and provided an example usage. Now, armed with this knowledge, you can apply the Strassen Algorithm to your own projects and enhance the performance of your matrix computations.

Remember, practice makes perfect! So, go ahead and experiment with the Strassen Algorithm in your own code. Happy coding!

Please note that the code snippets provided in this tutorial are simplified for educational purposes and may not be optimized for production use.