Maximum Flow in Network Flow Algorithms

Network Flow Algorithms: Maximum Flow

Welcome to this detailed tutorial on network flow algorithms, where we will specifically focus on maximum flow. If you're a programmer interested in graph algorithms, this post is the right place for you! We will explore the concept of maximum flow in network flow algorithms, providing a step-by-step explanation along with relevant code snippets and examples.

Introduction to Network Flow Algorithms

Before diving into maximum flow, let's briefly understand what network flow algorithms are. Network flow algorithms deal with finding the optimal flow through a directed graph with capacity constraints on its edges. These algorithms are used in various real-life scenarios, such as optimizing transportation networks, maximizing data throughput in computer networks, and more.

Understanding Maximum Flow

Maximum flow is the maximum amount of flow that can be achieved from a source node to a sink node in a given graph. It represents the maximum capacity of the graph's edges that can be utilized to send flow from the source to the sink. Finding the maximum flow is an essential problem in network flow algorithms.

To illustrate this concept, let's consider the following scenario. Imagine there is a network of pipes connecting a source, representing a water supply, to a sink, representing a demand. Each pipe has a certain capacity, indicating the maximum amount of water it can carry. The goal is to find the maximum flow of water from the source to the sink.

Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm

One of the most commonly used algorithms to solve the maximum flow problem is the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm. This algorithm incrementally augments the flow through the graph until the maximum flow is reached. Here's a high-level explanation of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm:

  1. Initialize the flow to 0.
  2. Select a path from the source to the sink.
  3. Find the minimum capacity along this path (referred to as the bottleneck capacity).
  4. Augment the flow along this path by the bottleneck capacity.
  5. Update the residual graph by subtracting the bottleneck capacity from the capacity of each edge along the path.
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 until there are no more augmenting paths.

Let's see the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm in action with a code snippet in Python:

def ford_fulkerson(graph, source, sink):
    # Step 1: Initialize flow to 0
    flow = 0
    # Step 6: Repeat until no more augmenting paths
    while True:
        # Step 2: Find an augmenting path using DFS
        path = dfs(graph, source, sink)
        # Step 6: Exit the loop if no augmenting path
        if not path:
        # Step 3: Find the bottleneck capacity
        bottleneck_capacity = find_bottleneck_capacity(graph, path)
        # Step 4: Augment flow along the path
        augment_flow(graph, path, bottleneck_capacity)
        # Step 5: Update residual graph
        update_residual_graph(graph, path, bottleneck_capacity)
        # Add bottleneck capacity to overall flow
        flow += bottleneck_capacity
    return flow

In the above code, we have graph representing the network with capacities on edges. The source and sink denote the source node and the sink node, respectively. The dfs function performs a Depth-First Search to find an augmenting path, while other helper functions compute the bottleneck capacity, augment the flow, and update the residual graph accordingly.

Example: Maximum Flow in Transportation Network

To further illustrate the concept of maximum flow, let's consider a transportation network. Imagine a network of roads connecting cities, each road with a certain capacity limitation. The goal is to find the maximum number of vehicles that can travel from a source city to a destination city within this network.

Let's represent this transportation network as a graph and calculate the maximum flow using the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm. Here's an example graph:

Source ---> A (10) ---> D (20) ---> Destination
        |    ↓  ↓  ↑    |
        |   B (5)  C   |
        ↓    ↑      ↑    ↓
      Start  End    ↓   Start

In the above graph, the numbers in parentheses represent the capacity of each road. We want to find the maximum number of vehicles that can travel from the source to the destination.

Let's calculate the maximum flow using the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm with the provided graph:

  1. Start with a flow of 0.
  2. Find an augmenting path. One possible path is Source -> A -> D -> Destination with a bottleneck capacity of 10.
  3. Augment the flow along the path, updating it to 10.
  4. Update the residual graph accordingly.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until no augmenting paths are found.

By following the steps outlined above, we find that the maximum flow in this transportation network is 10. This means that up to 10 vehicles can travel from the source city to the destination city.


In this tutorial, we explored the concept of maximum flow in network flow algorithms. We discussed the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, a popular algorithm used to solve the maximum flow problem. We provided a step-by-step explanation alongside a code snippet in Python to help you understand how the algorithm works. Additionally, we illustrated the concept of maximum flow using an example of a transportation network.

Understanding maximum flow is crucial for optimizing various real-world scenarios involving flow networks. By leveraging network flow algorithms, such as the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, programmers can efficiently solve problems related to flow optimization.

I hope this tutorial has provided you with a solid understanding of maximum flow in network flow algorithms. Happy coding!

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