CSS Custom Properties (Variables) in Depth

CSS Advanced Techniques: CSS Custom Properties (Variables) in Depth

CSS Custom Properties, commonly known as CSS Variables, allow developers to define reusable values and store them in variables. These variables can then be used throughout the CSS stylesheet, making stylesheets more flexible and easy to maintain.

What are CSS Custom Properties (Variables)?

CSS Variables are placeholders that store values for reuse in CSS stylesheets. They are defined using the -- prefix followed by a name, such as --main-color or --font-size. Once defined, these variables can be used wherever CSS values are expected.

Syntax to Define CSS Variables

To define a CSS variable, you can assign a value to it within a selector block or at the root level using the :root pseudo-class. Here's an example:

:root {
  --main-color: #007bff;
  --font-size: 16px;

In this example, we defined two CSS variables: --main-color and --font-size. The :root selector sets these variables globally, making them accessible from anywhere within the stylesheet.

Using CSS Variables

Once defined, you can use CSS variables just like any other CSS property value. They can be assigned to properties such as color, background-color, and font-size.

.header {
  background-color: var(--main-color);
  font-size: var(--font-size);

The var() function allows us to retrieve the value of a CSS variable. In the example above, we assigned the value of --main-color to the background-color property and the value of --font-size to the font-size property of the .header class.

The Power of CSS Variables in Customization

One of the major benefits of CSS variables is their ability to be changed dynamically using JavaScript. This feature allows for easier customization of styles based on user preferences or different themes.

Consider the following example, where we change the value of the --main-color CSS variable using JavaScript:

document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--main-color', 'red');

By changing the value of the --main-color variable, we can update the color used in the entire stylesheet without modifying individual styles.

Feature-Rich CSS Variables

CSS Variables go beyond simple variable substitution. They can also be used for calculations and cascading values. Let's explore a few advanced techniques.

Calculations with CSS Variables

CSS Variables can be used in calculations, enabling dynamic adjustments to styles based on variables. For example:

:root {
  --base-font-size: 16px;
  --header-font-size: calc(var(--base-font-size) * 1.2);

In this example, the --header-font-size variable is set to 1.2 times the value of --base-font-size. This allows for easy scaling of font sizes within the stylesheet.

Cascading with CSS Variables

CSS Variables can also cascade and inherit values, just like other CSS properties. This allows for more granular control over variable values based on contextual selectors.

.button {
  --button-color: var(--main-color);

h1 {
  --button-color: blue;

.button {
  background-color: var(--button-color);

In this example, the --button-color variable is initially set to --main-color in the .button selector. However, within the h1 selector, we set --button-color to blue. As a result, the background color of the .button class becomes blue within the h1 context.

Browser Support and Fallback

CSS Variables are widely supported by modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. However, it's important to provide fallback values for older browsers that don't support CSS Variables.

.header {
  background-color: var(--main-color, #007bff);
  font-size: var(--font-size, 16px);

In this example, the --main-color variable falls back to #007bff and the --font-size variable falls back to 16px for browsers that don't support CSS Variables.


CSS Custom Properties (Variables) are a powerful tool in a developer's toolbox. They provide a way to define reusable values within CSS stylesheets, making them more flexible and maintainable. By leveraging CSS Variables, you can create dynamic and customizable designs in a streamlined manner. So go ahead and try out these advanced techniques in your HTML/CSS projects to enhance your coding skills.

Remember to enjoy the process of exploring and experimenting with CSS Variables and push the boundaries of what you can achieve with stylesheets.

Happy coding!