Docker Command Line Usage and Examples

Docker Basics: Docker Command Line Usage and Examples

In this tutorial, we will delve into the fundamental concepts of Docker and explore its command-line interface. Docker is a popular open-source platform that allows developers to automate the deployment of applications within containers. By utilizing containerization, Docker enables efficient and portable software delivery across different environments. Understanding various Docker commands will greatly enhance your ability to work with containers effectively. So, let's dive into Docker command-line usage and illustrate it with examples.

Installation and Setup

Before we can begin using Docker, we need to install it on our system. Docker provides installation guides for different platforms, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. Refer to the official Docker documentation for installation instructions specific to your operating system.

Once Docker is installed, verify its successful installation by running the following command in your terminal:

docker version

This command will display the installed version of Docker, indicating that it is correctly set up.

Docker Command-Line Basics

Building an Image

The first step in utilizing Docker is creating a Docker image. An image serves as a blueprint for creating containers. To build an image, we need a Dockerfile. Consider the following example:

# Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:20.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3

In this simple Dockerfile, we start with a base image ubuntu:20.04 and install Python 3 using the apt-get package manager. Save this file as Dockerfile in your working directory.

To build the Docker image, use the following command:

docker build . -t myimage

The -t flag allows us to tag the image with a name, in this case, myimage. Docker will read the Dockerfile in the current directory (denoted by .) and build the image accordingly.

Running a Container

Now that we have our image, we can create and run a container based on it. Execute the following command:

docker run -it myimage /bin/bash

The -it flag enables an interactive terminal session within the container. The /bin/bash argument specifies the command to be run inside the container (in this case, a bash shell).

Congratulations! You are now inside the container, which is based on the image myimage. You can execute any commands and interact with the container's file system just like a regular Linux machine.

To exit the container, type exit.

Docker Registries

Docker registries are repositories where Docker images can be stored and retrieved. The Docker official registry, Docker Hub, is widely used. You can also set up your own private registry if needed.

Pushing an Image

To push an image to a registry, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Docker account by executing:

    docker login

    Enter your Docker username and password when prompted.

  2. Tag the image you want to push with your Docker username and repository name:

    docker tag myimage your-username/myimage

    Replace your-username with your Docker username.

  3. Push the tagged image to the registry:

    docker push your-username/myimage

    This command will upload the image to the Docker registry, making it accessible to others.

Pulling an Image

To pull an image from a registry, use the docker pull command followed by the image name and tag:

docker pull your-username/myimage

By default, if no specific tag is specified, Docker will pull the latest image version.


In this tutorial, we covered the basics of Docker command-line usage. We explored building Docker images, running containers, and interacting with them. Additionally, we discussed Docker registries and demonstrated how to push and pull Docker images.

Docker's command-line interface provides enormous flexibility in managing containers. By mastering these fundamental commands, you can automate and streamline your application deployments with ease. Remember to visit the official Docker documentation for more in-depth details and advanced topics.

Now that you have grasped the basics of Docker, you are well-equipped to move on to more advanced concepts, such as Docker networking, volumes, and orchestration frameworks like Kubernetes, which we will explore in our upcoming tutorials.

Happy containerizing!